*State Laws related to HOAs, they are called RCWs, meaning Revised Code of Washington. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=64.38
*WA State Law regarding Board Meetings.
*Pacific County Shoreline Management Program
*CARL Critical Area Resource Lands #180 (Pacific County ordinance concerning land-use activities including tree removal. Surfside has several exemptions related to vegetation management.) http://www.co.pacific.wa.us/ordres/Ord%20180.pdf
*Surfside Articles of Inc. and Bylaws
*Surfside HOA Covenants 2015-08-05 (In effect during Johansen, Ottersen, and Durdel cases).
*Surfside Covenants amended 2018-08-18 (Changed to limit size of shed roofs).
*Surfside OPERATIONS-MANUAL-8-15-15